EXbattalionMusicEnt, is a music management company, recording studio, and online music media outlet for revealing new talent in the music industry. Our goal is to not only make music, but to bridge the gap between music and fans while giving aspiring new artists, whether signed or unsigned, a platform to be heard and seen. Most importantly we aim to bring back the art we call music to its truest form. We have created a destination for the latest in music news, interviews, advice, digital downloads and more.
The Team
Team EXbattalion consist of a group of individuals driven by a commonality of music whether written, sung or heard. All members have a love for various genres of music and the need to express their feelings and thoughts to an audience who shares in their enthusiasm. Be it Mark, Eijhay, Gerald, Yurii, Johnny, Louie, Vincent or other contributors to the company, Team EXbattalion strives to keep readers informed, up to date and aware- here, now and always
We encourage our readers to contribute whenever the need compels them to do so and are here to not only report on relevant Industry findings and artist, but to also listen to what YOU have to say. Please feel free to contribute and become a part of the bigger picture of what is Team EXbattalion.